To receive liquid fuels payments from the commonwealth by March 1, certain reports must be filed on time. If these reports are not filed timely, liquid fuels payments will be delayed until the reports below are filed and processed.
Shapiro Unveils 2025-2026 State Budget Proposal
Yesterday, Gov. Josh Shapiro unveiled his proposed 2025-2026 state budget and legislative priorities. The proposal would spend $51.5 billion in state funds to operate the commonwealth services for the new budget year, a 7.5% increase from the current 2024-2025 adopted…
Spring ATV and Snowmobile Grant Application Window Now Open
DCNR will be accepting applications for the spring ATV and Snowmobile Grant from February 3 through March 31. Townships are eligible to apply for projects related to facilities that support the use of ATVs and/or snowmobiles, including planning and design; land acquisition; trail development,…
DCNR Releases State Recreation Plan, Accepting Public Input
The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has released a draft of the 2025-2029 Pennsylvania Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) and is accepting public comment on the plan through March 3. The SCORP Plan, titled Recreation for All, focuses on five…
New Round of State Grants Opens for Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Systems
A new round of funding for the PA Small Water and Sewer Program opens for applications today through April 30, 2025, to assist with the construction, improvement, expansion, rehabilitation, or repair of water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems, and stormwater…
Policy Forbidding Township Employees to Display Pro-Police Flags Struck Down
In Fraternal Order of Police Pa. Lodge v. Township of Springfield, No. 23-3165, 2025 WL 314108 (3d Cir. Jan. 28, 2025), the Third Circuit affirmed a district court decision that a township of the first class violated employees’ First Amendment…
Reminder: Take Four Minutes to Tell Harrisburg What to Prioritize in Housing Action Plan While Survey Remains Open
An important survey asking opinions on housing priorities remains open (at least for today!). Gov. Josh Shapiro has tasked DCED with developing a comprehensive Housing Action Plan through Executive Order 2024-03. This new plan will propose strategic planning initiatives and…
Treasury to Return Some Unclaimed Property Automatically
State Treasurer Stacy Garrity will send letters to 8,000 Pennsylvanians this week indicating that unclaimed property will be automatically returned to them as part of the new Pennsylvania Money Match Program. Act 81 of 2024 authorized Treasury to return single-owner…
Federal Reserve Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged
At its meeting this week, the Federal Reserve voted unanimously to leave interest rates unchanged. Elevated inflation rates remain a concern, and the committee plans to watch for real progress on inflation or weakening in the labor market before adopting…
Don’t Miss the February 2025 Digital Township News!
The February 2025 digital edition of the Township News is available now! In this issue’s cover story, read about how establishing good working relationships with your state senators and representatives can bring many benefits to your township. Additional articles in the edition:• provide…