PSATS Municipal Government Academy

The goal of PMGA is to provide Pennsylvania’s elected and appointed local officials and staff with the leadership skills and professional development needed to meet the demands and expectations of their office or position, today and into the future.
Graduate Program
Provides a well-balanced curriculum spanning all 4 PMGA categories
- Earn at least 12 points in each category (60 total)
- Attend 3 major events (can do more than once) of your choice, such as:
- Webinar points not to exceed 20 points
Certificate Program
Provides a more focused curriculum in one PMGA category
- Earn at least 20 points in the chosen category (30 total)
- Attend 1 major PSATS event – PSATS Annual Conference, PSATS Regional Fall Forums, or from a chosen category, such as:
- Administration – PSATS HR & Labor Management Institute, Essentials of Township Administration, Basic Training for Secretaries/Administrators
- Public Safety – TEMA Seminars, Essentials of Township Public Safety
- Public Works – Stormwater Conference, Engineers Seminars, Essentials of Township Public Works
- Planning/Zoning – PAAZO Seminars, Essentials of Township Planning/Zoning
- Webinar points not to exceed 10 points
Administration Category
Topics Include – Budget and finances, human resources & labor management, communications, liability and risk, records management, leadership development, Right-to-Know Law, meeting management, and ethics.

Planning/Zoning Category
Topics Include – Subdivision and land development, zoning and land use, duties of planning commissions and zoning hearing boards, comprehensive plans, economic development, and code enforcement.

Public Safety Category
Topics Include – Fire/EMS services, emergency management, police, public health, disaster response and recovery, and risk management.

Public Works Category
Topics Include – Road and bridge maintenance, stormwater management, parks and recreation, facilities and infrastructure management, water/wastewater, sewage enforcement, transportation planning, and funding.

Questions? Contact Scott Coburn at scoburn@psats.org or (717) 763-0930, ext.171