Helpful Links for Township Officials
Laws and Regulations
- Click here to find local state laws
- Click here for PA state regulations
- Click here for federal laws and regulations
Second Class Township Code: The most up to date version of the Second Class Township Code of 1933 P.L. 103, No. 69 as amended.
Municipalities Planning Code: The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code Act of 1968, P.L.805, No.247 as reenacted and amended.
Local Government Commission: The Local Government Commission is a bipartisan legislative service agency charged with providing research assistance to the General Assembly, as well as proposing legislation that would enable local governments to be more effective and efficient in providing services. Resources include the Pennsylvania Legislator’s Municipal Deskbook, links to frequently cited municipal laws of Pennsylvania, and links to Municipal Codes.
Frequently Accessed Resources
Below are some of the most frequently accessed sites and resources for townships:
COSTARS: COSTARS is the state’s cooperative purchasing program that townships can participate in to purchase goods and services from state contracts as well as through state and federal surplus programs. The program is overseen by the Department of General Services.
DCED Publications: The state Department of Community and Economic Development maintains a library of publications on local government issues. Included in this library are handbooks for elected and appointed officials, such as township supervisors, solicitors, secretaries, and auditors, as well as information on planning and zoning.
Federal and State Employer Posters: Townships are required to post certain notices in their worksites so employees have access to and information about applicable labor laws. These posters can be downloaded from this site free of charge.
Incorporation Dates for Municipalities: This will take you to a Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission map where you can click on your county and find all the incorporation dates for the municipalities in that county.
Municipal Records Manual: This manual, published by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and approved by the Local Government Records Commission, tell townships how long they must retain various kinds of records. These schedules play a key role in local government records management.
Other Resources
2020 Census Data for Pennsylvania Townships: 2020 Census Data for Pennsylvania is available through the Pennsylvania State Data Center, which has a page dedicated to Pennsylvania’s 2020 Census results and contains additional data and breakdowns for all Pennsylvania municipalities.
Common Level Ratios: Realty transfer tax common level ratio real estate valuation factors.
DEP Municipal Solar Zoning Resources: The PA Department of Environmental Protection created this page to house resources for municipal officials related to grid-scale solar development, including a guide that includes clear and regionally consistent language for zoning ordinances and other land use regulations that govern these solar projects.
Emergency Management Handbook for Local Officials: The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) produced this handbook to help elected officials comply with the emergency management program requirements.
Environmental Protection Agency: The purpose of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. It develops regulations for environmental laws enacted by Congress and sets national standards that states and tribes enforce through their own regulations.
Fire Service Resource Guide: Reference guide developed by the National Volunteer Fire Council on topics of importance to fire and emergency services, including retention and recruitment, grants and funding, available resources, and tips departments can refer to for each topic.
Local Government Environmental Assistance Network: The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) provides environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for elected and appointed municipal officials, managers, and staff.
Natural Gas–Penn State Cooperative Extension: Marcellus shale information from the Penn State Cooperative Extension.
Pennsylvania DEP Library: Library of PA environmental laws, forms, permits and other publications.
PennDOT Forms and Information: PennDOT forms, publications and maps covering a variety of topics.
PEMA Request for Appointment of Municipal EMC Form: Form to designate a Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator as required by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa. C.S.A.).
Pennsylvania General Assembly: The General Assembly is Pennsylvania’s legislative branch of government, commonly referred to as the State Legislature, that consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The General Assembly’s site includes information on the members of the legislature, proposed and enacted legislation, and the Pennsylvania Code.
Pennsylvania Office of Open Records: The Office of Open Records is a key source of information on Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know Law and has information for townships, including the fee schedule for providing copies of records, the regulations for filing an appeal, and copies of the office’s final determinations.
Recruitment and Retention for the Volunteer Emergency Services: This manual was developed by the U.S. Fire Administration to incorporate extensive research on recruitment and retention efforts, including the role of community stakeholders and local government in recruitment and retention success.
Road Sign Specifications: State regulation requires that signs purchased for use on local roads comply with PennDOT Publication 236M, Handbook of Approved Signs.
U.S. Department of Transportation Grant Dashboard: The DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard is a helpful resource developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation to provide communities with an overview of grant opportunities related to transportation infrastructure needs. Townships can use the “Eligible Applicants” dropdown tool and select “Local Governments” to see all eligible grant opportunities or narrow down the search to just those related to specific activities, transportation types, and match requirements.
U.S. and Commonwealth Flags: The PA Department of General Services’ Flag Notices website provides information and guidelines on flying U.S. and Commonwealth flags, including when and how to display at half-staff.