Townships Need to Log into Treasury Portal

Townships Need to Log into Treasury Portal

The U.S. Treasury Department is asking all local governments to log into the American Rescue Plan Reporting and Compliance Portal, confirm roles, and provide required information if they have not yet done so. You can access Treasury’s portal using your existing account information by clicking here. You do not need to use an account to access the portal.

Please note that some townships have reported that their account has been merged with that of another township, sometimes of the same name. If you see individuals in your account that are not affiliated with your township, do not recognize the DUNS number, or are unable to change roles, your account may have been accidentally merged with that of another township. If so, please send an email to Treasury at, and copy Katie Lizza, PSATS Policy & Research Analyst, at or call 717-763-0930.  

Once you are logged in, the Project and Expenditures Report User Guide has step-by-step instructions with screenshots to assist users in navigating the portal. Each township must designate individuals to serve in three official reporting roles: Account Administrator, Point of Contact for Reporting, and Authorized Representative for Reporting. The Account Administrator is the only role that can designate the two other roles. All three roles can be held by the same individual. All individuals designated must register with before they will be given access to Treasury’s portal. Please note, the first annual Project and Expenditure Report will be due April 30, 2022.  

Townships will be required to provide the following documents as part of the annual filing, which your township submitted to DCED last year as part of the request for funding:  

  • Copy of the signed award terms and conditions agreement;   
  • Copy of the signed assurances of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and   
  • Copy of actual budget documents validating the top-line budget total.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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