Reminder: Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program Grants Available  

Reminder: Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program Grants Available  

The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration is accepting applications for funding via the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program. This pilot program was created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to protect motorists and wildlife by reducing the number of Wildlife Vehicle Collisions and improve habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species. Over $111 million of funding is available in this first round. Townships are eligible to apply by August 1. Recipients must contribute a non-federal local match of at least 20%.   

Construction and non-construction projects are eligible for funding. Construction Projects include engineering, design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition, and other activities related to the construction of infrastructure improvements, such as the building of a wildlife crossing overpass or underpass. Non-construction Projects include planning, research, and educational activities that are not directly related to construction of infrastructure improvements.   

All township applications must be reviewed and approved by PennDOT prior to submission. The deadline for requesting PennDOT’s approval is July 11. PennDOT’s Transportation Federal Funding Opportunities Resource Account can be reached via email at   

For more information, including administrative requirements and application guidelines, visit PennDOT’s Grants Alerts page.   

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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