Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program

Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is accepting applications for another round of funding in the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) program. $607 million is available in this combined allocation of FY 2024 through 2026 funding for planning, capital construction, and technical assistance projects. Townships are eligible to apply through September 30, 2024.  

USDOT is offering two grant types:  

  • Capital Construction Grants to fund reconnecting-focused and smaller projects which reduce environmental harm and improve access in disadvantaged communities. Projects include removal of a dividing facility, enhancement of community connectivity, and improving access by building or improving Complete Streets.  
  • Community Planning Grants to support future construction projects and allow for innovative community planning to address transportation challenges. Projects include community visioning or strategies for public input into project plans; planning studies to assess the feasibility of removing, retrofitting, or mitigating an existing eligible dividing facility to reconnect communities; and other planning activities in advance of the project.  

PennDOT will consider providing support for regional grant proposals, including offering data and subject matter expertise. The deadline for requesting PennDOT support is September 16, 2024. For more information, view PennDOT’s grant alert.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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