PennDOT Multimodal Grants Round Now Open, Applications Due November 5  

PennDOT Multimodal Grants Round Now Open, Applications Due November 5  

The state Department of Transportation has opened a new grant round for the Multimodal Grants and applications are due November 5. This funding provides funding for priority investments in any transportation mode through PennDOT’s Multimodal Transportation Fund Statewide Competitive Funding Program.  

The MTF program provides grants to ensure a safe and reliable transportation system for Pennsylvania residents. Funds can be used to coordinate local land use with transportation assets, such as traffic impact mitigation and development of local roads and bridges that benefit the state system; connectivity or use of existing transportation assets, such as improved signage and access roads; streetscapes, lighting, sidewalks, and pedestrian safety; and transit-oriented development.  

Grants require a local match of at least 30% of the award amount. Requests can be for $100,000 up to $3 million. Grants cannot reimburse projects costs incurred prior to having a fully executed MTF agreement in place. Click here to learn more about the program. Click here for the Multimodal Transportation Fund Success Manual.   

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