PennDOT Begins Review of New Version of MUTCD 

PennDOT Begins Review of New Version of MUTCD 

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently published the 11th edition of the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The MUTCD establishes uniform national criteria for the use of traffic control devices, such as signs, pavement markings, and traffic signals, to help promote safety, inclusion, and mobility for all road network users.  

PennDOT has two years to substantially conform to the new MUTCD. Under Title 75 (Vehicle Code) and 67 Pa Code §212, Official Traffic Control Devices, PennDOT must publish a supplement to the MUTCD, entitled Publication 212, Official Traffic Control Devices, detailing state-specific requirements, such as deviations from the national MUTCD. That publication, as well as other policies, standards, and specifications, will be updated accordingly, following the typical reviews by internal and external stakeholders. 

To ensure a comprehensive review and proper adaptation of the updated MUTCD, PennDOT published a notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin declaring that the amendments and modifications in the MUTCD 11th Edition will not apply until a future Bulletin notice is posted. Until that time, the 2009 MUTCD continues to provide the applicable Pennsylvania standards. 

To access the 11th edition of the MUTCD, click here. To read the notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletinclick here.  

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