I-95 Disaster Update: Demolition Complete…Live Feed Up To Watch Progress 

I-95 Disaster Update: Demolition Complete…Live Feed Up To Watch Progress 

Governor Shapiro and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced the demolition of the damaged I-95 section is complete ahead of schedule as crews continue working around the clock to repair the roadway. 

Now that demolition is complete, Philadelphia-based Buckley & Company will begin to fill in the damaged area in order to rebuild the new section of road – and they have already delivered the first shipments of PA foamed glass aggregate to the work site. PennDOT employees and contractors will continue working 24/7 to reopen the roadway safely and as quickly as possible. A 24/7 live feed of the construction site is now up and running to provide the public with a real-time view of the construction progress. 

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