Conference Business Meeting Materials Sent to Member Townships, County Associations 

Conference Business Meeting Materials Sent to Member Townships, County Associations 

Over the last two weeks, PSATS sent member townships and county associations the materials for the April 25 business session at the 2023 PSATS Annual Conference. Please be sure to share these materials with your township’s or county association’s voting delegate. 

On March 7, a notice was sent regarding a proposed bylaws change for a dues increase that will be voted on during the April 25 business session. The dues increase, if approved, would be the first in nearly a decade and not take effect until 2024. 

On March 15, the proposed resolutions for consideration at the conference and the nominations committee report were also sent to member townships. In addition, the Rules for Conduct at the Annual Conference were included to help townships understand how the business session will function. This information will also be printed in your conference materials that you will receive upon arrival.  

If you have any questions, please call the Association at (717) 763-0930. We will see you April 23-26 in Hershey!  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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