Townships May Apply for Alternative Fuels Grants

Townships May Apply for Alternative Fuels Grants

The Energy Programs Office of the state Department of Environmental Protection is accepting grant applications under the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program to improve the air quality in Pennsylvania and reduce consumption of imported oil through the use of homegrown alternative fuels. The department is seeking applications for innovative, advanced fuel and vehicle technology projects resulting in cleaner advanced alternative transportation within the commonwealth until December 11, 2020.  

Townships, school districts, municipal authoritiesand nonprofit and for-profit entities may apply for approximately $5 million in grants. The funds may be used to retrofit or purchase a vehicle to operate on alternative fuels as a bi-fuel, dual-fuel, hybrid, or dedicated vehicle and to purchase and install fleet refueling equipment. Funding priorities are for zero-emission vehicles, renewable natural gas vehicles and infrastructure projects, and publicly accessible alternative fuel projects. Click here for more information.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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