Reminders After Applying for American Rescue Funds

Reminders After Applying for American Rescue Funds

The state Department of Community and Economic Development has noted that American Rescue Funds should be placed under 352.53 or 352.530 in its Chart of Accounts. The name for this account is Federal Entitlements to Governmental Units. Expenditures should be coded based upon the type of expense. 

If you need to provide supporting information to DCED after you file your Single Application, such as your expiration date, you can email this information, along with your 12-digit confirmation number from DCED, township, and county to 

Once the U.S. Treasury approves the final rules for the use of the funds and the board of supervisors is ready to spend some funds, be sure to pass a simple resolution to amend your budget that lists the new revenue and how you will use it. Again, the resolution is not needed until you are ready to spend some of your funds. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the box for a sample resolution.

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