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- Looking for $$? Check for Unclaimed Property! Each year, the PA Treasury Department receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property. Common types of unclaimed property are savings or checking accounts, stocks, dividends, checks that have not been cashed such as payroll, certificates of deposit, unclaimed insurance benefits,…
- Today is the National Day of Mourning for Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Many federal agencies are closed today, including the U.S. Post Office
- Firefighter Grant and Reimbursement Opportunities Available The Firefighters Association of the State of Pennsylvania (FASP) announced funding opportunities to help support and enhance recruitment and retention efforts. Townships are encouraged to share this information with their local public safety partners. FASP is now offering Local Level…
- Federal Overtime Thresholds Remain at $684 Per Week, Appeal Pending In November, a federal district court judge struck down the rule mandating overtime pay for employees earning less than $58,656 annually or $1,128 weekly. This rule, which took effect on July 1, 2024, and was set to increase on January…