DEP Accepting Applications for Grant Programs

DEP Accepting Applications for Grant Programs

The state Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for funding under the Growing Greener Plus Grants Program and the Watershed Planning and Restoration Grants Program. Both opportunities intend to improve and protect water from nonpoint source pollution associated with agricultural activities, abandoned mine drainage (AMD), stormwater runoff, energy resource extraction, and streambank and shoreline degradation.  

Townships, council of governments, and municipal authorities can apply through June 21, 2024. DEP is focusing grants on projects that reduce nonpoint source pollution in targeted areas with watershed implementation plans, especially projects that reduce nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment pollution from agricultural and stormwater runoff, along with AMD-related pollution from iron, aluminum, and acidity. DEP is particularly interested in projects that implement effective best management practices which lead to local water quality improvements.  

Applications must be submitted through the eGrants system. For more information, visit DEP’s website

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