The November 2024 digital edition of the Township News is available now! In this issue’s cover story, learn about the tools townships can use to combat blight in their community. Additional articles discuss the renewed interest among Pennsylvania farmers in growing industrial hemp;…
If your municipality is facing potentially controversial land use projects such as solar and wind farms, but you do not have zoning or subdivision and land development ordinances, please be careful before adopting an ordinance that attempts to regulate various…
The August 2024 digital edition of the Township News is available now! Learn how proactive policies and practices help townships deal with difficult employees in this month’s cover story. Additional features explore how to make the best use of employee manuals, how pension…
Get to know the new PSATS president, Jay Wilkes; hear from the conference speakers (including in a video exclusive to the digital edition); celebrate the winners of the PSATS Excellence Awards; find out how state legislators answered members’ questions; and…
Yesterday, Gov. Josh Shapiro announced development of an energy plan for the commonwealth. The plan claims that it would create an emissions reduction program that leverages Pennsylvania’s advantages as a major energy producer to reduce emissions while lowering prices through…
Don’t Miss the November 2023 Township News! The November 2023 edition of the Township News includes articles on a timely topic: zoning for emerging land uses. The cover story looks at the need for updating zoning ordinances to prepare…
Are you planning to attend the Secretary/Manager Summit this year?If not, you might want to reconsider. This two-day Secretary/Manager Summit is a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues from around the state, share best practices, and learn how other experienced secretaries…
The U.S. Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service issued guidance on accessing clean energy tax credits included in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA’s “elective pay” provisions allow townships, for the first time, to be able to receive…
Digital edition available to subscribers now In the July 2023 edition, the Township News looks at parks and greenspaces. You’ll find articles on embracing the benefits of trails in your township, managing parks as public assets, using a statewide campaign to highlight…
When elected or appointed, township officials automatically become PSATS members through their township's membership. If you're an elected or appointed township official in Pennsylvania and are unsure about your entity’s membership status with PSATS, your board secretary or manager can provide the necessary details.
PSATS offers its members exclusive access to training, resources, and events via the member portal at If you have any questions about or your membership that aren't covered on our FAQ page, please submit a message, and we'll be happy to follow up with you.